March 3, 2015

The tourists

English: We've been working a lot lately, so when I found out that both of us were having a day off, we just decided to be tourists and go to North Vancouver, plus it was a gorgeous sunny day. We took the Canada Line, all the way to Waterfront Station and there we took the Sea Bus to North Van. The ride is about 15 minutes and if you sit at the very end, you can see Vancouver getting smaller, or North Van getting bigger.
FYI: The fare for the Sea Bus, from Waterfront Station is CAD 4, or if you have a Monthly Pass or FareSaver Tickets, you only have to pay CAD 1.25. You can find more information here.

Español: Ultimamente hemos estado trabajando sin parar, así que cuando nos dimos cuenta que íbamos a tener un dia libre, decidimos ser turistas e ir a North Vancouver, ademas el día estaba espectacular. Agarramos el Canada Line hasta Waterfront Station, donde tomamos el Sea Bus hacia North Van. El viaje dura como 15 minutos y si te sientas al final, puedes ver Vancouver haciéndose cada vez más pequeno, North Van haciéndose más grande.
FYI: La tarifa para el Sea Bus, desde Waterfront es CAD 4, pero si tiene un Monthly Pass o FareSaver Tickets, solo tienes que pagar CAD 1.25. Pueden encontrar mas información aquí.