English: So, that day we decided to go to the Rose Street Artists' Market, that's located at Rose Street of Fitzroy -the suburb- and why am I telling you this? Because we got lost for this little detail. We got to Federation Square because we wanted to do something before we went to the market, but we decided not to -I don't even remember what it was-. The thing is that we took the tram to where we thought it was the market, Fitzroy STREET. We were sure that that was the right way, oh boy, we were so wrong.
Español: Así que ese día decidimos ir al Rose Street Artists' Market, que queda en la calle Rose delsuburbio Fitzroy ¿por qué les digo esto? Bueno, porque por no estar pendiente de esos pequeños detalles nos perdimos. Resulta que ese día llegamos a Federation Square porque queríamos hacer otra cosa antes de ir al mercadito pero al final decidimos no hacerlo -ni siquiera recuerdo qué era lo que íbamos a hacer-. El punto es que tomamos el tram hasta dónde nosotros creíamos que estaba el mercadito, Fitzroy STREET. Íbamos sentaditos en el tram, confiadísimos que lo estábamos haciendo todo súper bien.